Trust the Scandinavians to get it right.

Solang & Hansen are proud to present a truly innovative, low impact, high calibre approach to fitness. They have a team of results-driven, intelligent, sympathetic personal trainers who are leading the way in personal training in London.

Swede Erik Solang and Norwegian Dan Helge Hansen are the energy behind the name. They care about your goals and really listen. No two training sessions are alike and you won't get bored. They tailor training to your goals and body type and use the quickest and most effective modern methods to get you looking toned and defined.

Look good and feel stronger than ever before. The Solang & Hansen focus is on customised anti-ageing and fat-burning techniques that keep your body (and face) looking younger.

Train in the comfort of your home or outdoors. Solang & Hansen trainers don’t rely on a lot of heavy equipment - they have developed clever programs that require minimal space and they challenge a fully equipped gym to get the same results and intensity of workout.

Solang & Hansen techniques have been inspired by resistance training methods originally developed by NASA and the Navy Seals and used by elite athletes. They utilise your own body weight to tone specific areas, burn more calories and reduce body fat.

Wellness is the new trend. Look great and feel well.